Thursday, October 22, 2015

George Saunders

         George Saunders speech to the Syracuse University was very good and had a great meaning. His thesis was that we should live without regrets and have a kindness in your heart. What he regrets most in live is failures of kindness. His speech was very effective he gave us personal stories and examples on why we should be kinder. George Saunders gives us a small story about a girl names Ellen the new students in his 7th grade class. People used to always call her names because she chewed on her hair. He was actually pretty nice to her and never said an unkind word to her, he sometimes ever defended her. Saunders regrets not tell those people to stop calling her names and leave her alone. He is telling us to never miss an opportunity to be kinder to someone and stop being selfish. George Saunders said as we age, we become less selfish and more loving. That is so true, he says when you have kids, that will be a huge moment in your process of self-diminishment. You really don't care what happens to you as, long as it benefits them. He is saying when we grow up we view situations different. There is a cure for selfness and it starts by being nicer and doing good stuff for other people. He also says to always show kindness and avoid things that will lead you in the wrong direction.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


    An intention lie can be a good or a bad thing it all depends in the situation. When I was little I was taught that lying was a bad thing and that it could hurt others including yourself if you lied. Growing up it just seemed easier to lie to stay out of trouble. There is some situations where lying is just the best thing to, sometimes we lie to protect the ones we love from something bad that could hurt them. We lie to people sometimes with the intention to prevent them from having their feelings hurt. Parents lie to there kids all the time about their marriage situations or if one parents loses their job to prevent their kids from worrying. Like lying to little kids telling them about Santa Clause and the tooth fairy brings joy to them but once they get older and find out the truth they get heartbroken for you lying to them. There is always a consequence for a lie. Lying can also be a very bad thing and hurt others if they find out the truth, Even the smallest lie can cause a big effect. Like lying to your parent to stay out of trouble is a bad thing because most of the time you parents find out the truth and you just get in from trouble. Sometimes its just better to be honest to the people you love so you don't hurt them. Lying is only good when you are doing it to protect other.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Popes Speech

   In the Pope's speech to congress he talks about immigration. He is saying we should appreciate and treat them the same. When he talks about immigration he brings up the Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The golden rule reminds us of our responsibilities to protect and defend human life at every stage of its developments. He states we should not turn our backs on our neighbors instead we should be welcoming them. He also reminds them they were once foreigners and that there families came her for a better life. He says building a nation calls us to recognize that we must constantly relate to others, rejecting a mind set of hostility in order to adapt one of reciprocal subsidiarity in a consent effort to do our best. He wants everyone to be treating the same.
  In his speech he also talks about how family is important to America and how essential the family has been to the building of this country. Fundamental relationship are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family. He is saying no matter how the families are formed the only important and above all is the richness and the beauty of the family life. He also talks about the young he says for many of them a future filled with countless possibilities beckons, yet so many other seem disoriented and aimless, trapped in a hopeless maze of violent, abuse and despair. He says their problems are our problems and we need face them together and talk to them to seek effective solutions rather than bogged down in discussion.
   In The Washington Post article Pope Francis implores to accept immigrants as their own by Marc Fisher, Michelle and Steve Hendrix agree with what the pope. I agree with the pope also everything is true we should treat them the same and stop treating them bad.